Wendy Schettig... Christian Singer, Songwriter, Fingerpicking Guitarist

 Hi!  I'm Wendy.  Thanks for visiting my site.  What will you find among the pages here?  Music for your soul.  It's honest.  It's spiritual.  It's intended to offer hope.  As a singer, I have been called a "careful, loving singer." If you listen to the song on the left, you can decide for yourself (scroll down past the title for other songs).  You can also check out my "Reviews" page to see what others have said.     

As a guitarist, I play folk, fingerpicking, ragtime and blues styles.  James Taylor was a big influence as was Gordon Lightfoot, Ian Tyson, Bonnie Raitt and Richard Saslow.   

As a songwriter, I have fun writing songs like, “Gospel Donut,” or whimsical songs like, “Daffodil,” but I often write about overcoming the tough things in life through faith in God.  Much of what I write about comes from my own experience.  So in addition to singing concerts, I have compiled a “testimony in song” presentation which includes my spoken testimony with original songs interspersed throughout to tell a more complete story of the struggle and then the healing.  It was only through a long struggle that I found my faith in Christ, but an even longer struggle that led me to accept Jesus' forgiveness for a past abortion ... something for which many women struggle quietly within.  My presentation points to hope and forgiveness for those with the same struggle, but also for all people no matter what they have done.  You can learn more about me on my "Bio" pages.  You'll find a general biography of my life and a separate biography that speaks more specifically to the abortion.    

As a guitar teacher, well… what you hear in my recordings is the style I teach.  I also teach worship music for those who want to sing and play guitar with their church band, and I also teach ukulele - and that - well is just plain fun!  You can peruse pictures on my "Pictures" page, write a comment or an email on my "Contact" page, and oh yes, my schedule!  If you want to come out and hear my music live, you’ll find my schedule on the "Music" page, or you can purchase CDs on that page too.  At concerts, be sure to take a moment to introduce yourself afterward to say "Hi!”  

However for now ... just sit back, hit the "play" button, and let the music feed your soul.  Thanks for reading and be blessed! Wendy

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